Photography is not a job or a hobby for me it’s a part of my life, ever since I took a photography class in high school I have had a passion for it. I started capturing little flashes of life at first, but it wasn’t until in 2005 when I graduated from Spokane Falls to get an AAS in Photography did I learn to capture a whole days worth of emotions in one image. Don’t get me wrong I got some good shots before but they taught me to make every shot count and in weddings, parties, and other special events sometimes you only get one shot.
I always like to meet prior to a session or event to get to know you and let everyone get conferrable with me which isn’t hard since I stand at a intimidating 4’10”, but don’t let the small stature fool anyone when I need everyone lined up after a wedding for group photograph and the guys aren’t cooperating I make sure the bride doesn’t have to do anything. Every photographer has a different style of photography but when we meet I like to learn everything I can to ensure that I capture the characters and personalities that you know and love, if its your child, whole family, pets or the wedding you’ve been dreaming about since you were 12 I want to make sure that my style of photography compliments your visions and personalities and doesn’t mask them.
I do all types of portraits and I love doing onsite sessions, my equipment packs up great and sometimes the best way to get great images it to start out in a comfortable environment for everyone. I didn’t know how fast time goes by until my little boy came into the world and started growing up, and in a flash he was talking and running around. Once the time passes photographs are one of the only ways to look back, I would love to start saving your memories.